Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Liberty Port Dubai

Well we just got back from a 2 week underway, we had a liberty port in Dubai for a few days, pretty cool, alot of interesting things, hung out at there mall, took a tour that took us way out there. We had a good time. This underway was going good up til the last few days, where we were riddled with casualties, ended up pulling back into bahrain with only one shaft/prop working. But once again, Crew Leader pulled through and we managed to finsh our tasking, our ops went successfull.

I know, i couldnt sit any gayer could i?^^^^^^^

Its a long way down!!^^^^^^^^^^^^

Uhh, eeek, i dont think so, i think i will stick with shorts, dresses just arent for me.^^^^^

During the tour i we stopped at a little store where they practically threw there traditional clothes on us. I looked rediculous. But the tour was pretty cool. Got to go swimming in a little oasis. Jump off the cliff into the water. I enjoyed myself, Looking forward to going back to dubai again. I have several hundred pics that i took from this underway. I unfortunately cant show them all of course. We are still working hard, we managed to get alot of painting done, our ship is looking awesome.

During my last night on watch managaed to see an oil rig that was spitting out fire, it was so big and bright that we could see the flame on the horizon. Lookout has its perks sometimes. All in all, this underway was ggod, other than the fact i have missed littlemans 3rd birthday, the 2nd one in a row i have missed.

1 comment:

The Nut House... said...

I love that you are able to see such awesome things. You would probably never be able to see them otherwise.

Keep Posting!
~Auntie Ralph