Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Ok, i just got done writing like a 600 word post, but managed to delete, i tend to get a little carried away. But lets simplify it. Why do some people have to be so damn dramatic??? Is it necassary to post the same thing everyday, that you arent feeling well (i am sounding like a donkey) that you havent felt well in forever because you have been working doubles earning all that extra money. That you are just the worlds hardest worker and the most broken. That you just dont have normal conversation without informing the other person that you might have this wrong with you, that it is because you have been stressed from working so hard. If you dont need the extra money, stop complaining, it is your choice, why waste what little time you actually spend with friends complaing about your horrible life. Live in today, plan for tomorrow, enjoy your life now, life is a whinding road that you could easily stray from and get lost. ok now that i have that off my chest.


The Nut House... said...

Wow! I love that! You are soooo right! Quit yer bitching people. You could have it soooooo much worse!!

Amen Chris!!

Anonymous said...

Hello Chris,
I enjoy reading your blog, and wonder when you are going to post. I don't usually comment on blogs as I tend to not have nice things to comment about. I enjoy hearing about your family and all the adventures that you and your lovely wife are up to. Well I hope that all is well with you and your family. uncle Mark